First Sunday of Advent 01.12.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 1st Dec 8.30am People of the Parish 10am Mary and Eamonn Rogers,...
Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe 24.11.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 24th Nov 8.30am Holy Souls 10am People of the Parish 12 noon ...
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 17.11.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 17th Nov 8.30am Holy Souls 10am Marie Bloom, RIP 12noon Donato Merola, RIP...
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10.11.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 10th Nov 8.30am Sister Mary Mitchell 10am People of the Parish 12 noon Mr...
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 03.11.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 3rd Nov 8.30am Mary Spellman, RIP 10am Holy Souls 12 noon Lillian Murphy,...
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 27th Oct 8.30am Carmen, Gilbert and Melisse Sarthal, intns 10am Chrissy Ryan, RIP 12...
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 20th Oct 8.30am People of the Parish 10am Paulette Vocanson, RIP 12 noon ...
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 13th Oct 8.30am Carmen and Guilbert Sarthal and family, intentions 10am Jose Barreto,...
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06.10.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 6th Oct 8.30am Lillian Murphy, RIP 10am People of the Parish 12noon A...
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29.09.2024
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Sun 29th Sept 8.30am Gerald, Henriette and Zodi, intentions 10 am Peter Kraushar, RIP 12...